Object Creation Patterns in JavaScript

The primary goal of this talk is to highlight the Prototypal inheritance of Javascript, which revolves around Objects and Object creation. As a WordPress developer it is important to understand how this differs from Classical Inheritance as viewed under the guise of Object Oriented Programming. Which as we know, is the cornerstone of good programming in WordPress and the great PHP community as a whole.

Some of the concepts which we will cover are:
The difference between classical and prototypal inheritance.
The concept of composition over inheritance.
We will look at various Object Creation patterns:
-Object Literals,
-Constructor Function,
-Factory Functions,
-Native Object Creation (Object.create, Object.assign)
-ES2015 Classes

This talk will be geared towards both new and seasoned Developers. The concepts themselves will give veteran Developers some new ideas to explore. This talk will also be presented in a easy to understand way, so that those new to Javascript will be able to take the next step after learning the basics of JS syntax.
